Sunday, November 30, 2014

Best of November 2014

Congratulations to Kara Corn for winning the November Photo contest!


Kara Corn‎ (202 votes)


Miguel Angel‎ with Mac (196 votes)


Michael Knighten‎ with his family (98 votes)


... and here are the other nominees.  Great job everyone!

Alix Schweitzer‎ with Aldo


Alton Eckel‎ with Cole


Amanda Riggs with Ryley


Amber Gohardorgohome Knickman‎ with Brody


Amy Battaglia‎


Caitlynn Dick‎


Colten Tognamino‎


Crystal Sinclair‎ with flying Kai


Dave Demeo‎ with Ralf


David Jensen‎ with Layla


Debbie Schwagerman‎


Dykumos Hounds‎


Efon Manriquez‎ with Ronin


Emma Joynson


Haley Feazelle‎


Heidi Shaw‎


Hope D'Aluisio‎


Jeff Sellenrick


Judith Koopmans‎ with Monk


Karen Rdcs‎


Laura Overholt‎


Lydia Louise Hejny‎ with Gatsby


Masayuki Otake‎ with Zoe


Melissa Spurr‎ featuring Lancelot


Natalie Piccolo‎ with Tucker


Nicole Ginas‎


Rachel Novak‎ with Sadie and Laika


Rebekah Zonts‎


Robert Runs‎


Ron Clouse‎ and friends


Sam Kibler‎ with Summit


Shauna Springer‎ with Petey and Hooch


Susan Sterngold‎ with Riley