Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Best of April 2016

Congratulations to Joshua from Philippine for winning the Photo of the Month!  It is a thrill to see our group is going international.
Joshua Chua‎

Here are the other nominees for April
Vicka Schwartz‎

Matt Schultz‎

Kyle Rohrig‎

Matthew Eric Lit‎

Elisa Rachel‎

Emmy Baird‎

Brianna Bero-Buell‎

Lauren Boatner‎

Fleur Op't Eijnde-Biersteker

Gordon Alexander‎

Iain Robertson‎

Jeannie LaFever‎

Jennifer Lynn‎

Jesse Moberly‎

Judy Higgins‎

Kadee Smith‎

Karen Smith‎

Karen Waygood‎

Katie Mogowski‎

Kelly Sullivan‎

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Lisa Waseen O'Gorman‎

Melanie Collier‎

Nicole Thompson‎

Sarah Jean Dwyer‎

Sean Wilson‎

Stephanie Wescott‎

K'eyush the Stunt Huskamute
Melissa Winn‎